Next Generation

Next Generation (Children, Youth and Teens Ministries)

At Bedford First we are raising up Godly leaders.  We are dedicated to connecting inter-generationally and creating mentoring relationships where adults mentor youth and teens aid in mentoring children.

The Next Generation at Bedford First United Methodist Church are involved in leading worship in a variety of capacities from music to liturgy. It is important for people of all ages to develop lChristian leadership and fellowship skills. Through a wide variety of activities, groups, and classes, we help them

  • Develop a personal relationship with God and seeking God’s presence through Bible study and discussion, prayer, worship, service,
  • Discern how they can use their spiritual gifts to make a difference in Bedford and the surrounding community through missional efforts
  • Discover that a church youth group can be fun through activities such as movie nights, sports events, concerts, and more.

Youth Group meets most Fridays from 6:30 – 8:30 pm for youths attending grades 6 through 12

Nursery care is available for infants through kindergarten

Older youth are encouraged to worship with their parents (activity bags are available in the Pittman Center for children attending the worship service)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira