Core Values, Vision, and Mission

The greatest commandment, given by Christ, is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30).  At Bedford First United Methodist Church we do this through worshipping, praying, learning, and serving.  We work to connect to God, grow in our understanding and relationships, and serve our community in profound ways.

The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.  We recognize that we are all in need of God’s healing in our lives.  We want to experience and share that healing with the world.  Out of this, flows our love for all of God’s creation.  We support local social service ministries as well as provide programming designed to bring God’s love into our community and the world.


Spiritual Growth–Growing to be more like Christ is a lifelong process but there are definite steps we can continually make in order to grow.  We begin with our understanding that we are imperfect and only God can fully heal our imperfections.  With this understanding, we commit to work with God to not only heal ourselves, but offer that same healing to others.  Reading the Bible, Prayer, Worship, and Stewardship are all important aspects to this healing journey.

“Net”working–We reach out into our communities to empower others to use their gifts, talents, and knowledge for the greater good of our community and world.  We believe in empowering others.

Innovative Learning–We have found that we learn most when we are teaching others.  We also recognize that we learn a lot by trying and failing.  With these lessons in mind, we are open to trying new things and sharing our knowledge with others.  We have fostered a community where people are allowed to dream God sized dreams and learn to bring them to fruition.


To use our abilities to personally reach individuals and families through “net”working.

Each person has different abilities at different stages of their life.  For those who are home bound, sending cards, making calls, acting as sounding boards, and praying are some of the gift sets that they may use.  A younger person may be able to put in the physical energy and hands on parts of a ministry.  Each person can contribute to help reach out, teach, and empower others.  Each person can learn something new and share that with others.


To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world.

We want everyone to experience the peace and love of Christ.  We want everyone to experience the hope and joy that is found in Christ.  We envision a community and where everyone is empowered to use their talents for the greater good.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira